The thing that pisses me off most about the right... Where to start? I guess it come down to the christianista "morality" that they want to impose on everyone. In the abortion wars for example; who is really "for" abortion. Yes there are women who have used abortion as a form of birth control and that is abhorrent. It's still amazing that some insurance companies pay for viagra and not birth control pills... But here's the rub. The liberal stance is to let people have a choice. It does not qualify that with religious beliefs or other mythological questions but leaves the responsibility with the individual. The conservative view is that we have to mandate what is and is not permissible, as interpreted through christian dogma. It does not matter if the individual is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Atheist... all must submit to the will of Christian doctrine because the US is a "Christian Nation."
The main thrust of the argument against, gay marriage, repealing don't ask don't tell, abortion, planned parenthood, HIV and STD counseling, and hate crimes legislation is they are inconsistent with "Christian Values." For all of the complaining and pot stirring Glen Beck and Michelle Bachmann have made about Michelle Obama promoting a "nanny state" by suggesting healthier eating options for children; I find it ironic that they don't see the same "nanny state' mentality when it comes to the culture wars. It's okay for the right to take away civil rights of minorities but if the left wants to fund planned parenthood, that is anathema.
Collectively we cringe when we hear of the penalties of Sharia law. We think a legal systems that involves stoning and amputation seems barbaric and yet any law based on religious principles is barbaric. Fred Phelps is barbaric when he pickets the funerals of fallen soldiers. The recent debate about "forced rape" as a criteria for legal abortion sounds barbaric. The solution is a truly secular legal system and it is the only way a true Democracy can survive.
Thankfully the Obama Administration rewrote the "conscience clause" allowing health care providers to decline care to patients if it would violate their religious beliefs.
The Bush rules allowed not just health workers but hospitals and even entire insurance companies to decline to provide abortions or any other service that violate a "religious belief or moral conviction."
Tony Perkins, president of the anti-abortion Family Research Council, called the changes "a blow both to medicine and the right to practice one's deeply held convictions."
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