In a recent article in the Washington Examiner, Bryon York said "Americans live in a nation and world transformed by his [Reagan's] deep belief in liberty, free enterprise, and American exceptionalism..." Let me first say that I love America. I grew up in the Midwest, said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday in school, I know the words to the National Anthem, and I've even shed a tear hearing Lee Greenwood sing 'Proud to be an American.' That being said, I have come to feel that American exceptionalism is just a new fancy name for the same old racist, imperialist bull shit known as Manifest Destiny. I know the 1840's Democrats used to term to justify the expansion America from sea to shining sea... But how can we say we are the manifestation of THE shining city on the hill when we have the blood of 600,000 Iraqis on our hands (maybe more, some estimates are over 1,000,000).
For all of our faults, I still think America is a great nation but the Reagan revisionists and the Sarah Palin nut jobs, who tick of the three core conservative values as: American Exceptionalism, Strong 2nd Amendment rights, and a strong defense (no matter what the cost) are bankrupting this country both financially and morally!
We need to stay on message, help Obama get back to the vision he promoted during his campaign, and put the Reagan revisionists back in their place.
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