Cut the military budget to the bone. Pull out of Iraq completely and out of Afghanistan ASAP. Close most of our bases worldwide and slash any weapons programs. We always hear that loss of military spending will result in a loss of jobs... To quote the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, "so be it..."
How is military spending, for the purpose of jobs creation, really any different than other types of stimulus? It's not! It's all welfare.

This pie chart from 2009 shows more clearly the real problem. Not only are we paying for current military spending but also for past wars, the wars the Bush Administration left off the books and out of their budget.
Health is a huge component as well and Obama's health care plan does not address it. To really address the rising cost of health care we have to address how doctors are paid and no one really wants to do that. There are precedents in changing doctor pay. Look at the pay structure of the Mayo clinic. The Mayo clinic is a not for profit organization that pay doctors a fixed salary.
We do need to make hard decisions but no one is willing to make them. Redistricting will be happening all over the country this year and republicans in charge of most of the state houses. I'm sure we are probably in for republican majorities for a long time to come and you can say goodbye to the middle class, an end to any environmental regulation, arsenic and fracking chemicals in the drinking water, an end to public transportation, huge bonuses for CEO's and Wall Street thugs...
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