Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sex Scandals and Hypocrisy

This comes from The Daily Beast and it's an analysis on which party has the most sex scandals. Since 1990 the Republicans slightly edge out the Democrats 34 to 27. What's interesting is the type of sex scandal. Democrats tend to have more problems with harassment, staffers and underage girls; Republicans tend to have more problems with prostitutes, hypocrisy and underage boys.

On the hypocrisy front Republicans edge out Democrats 17–9. Almost half the sex scandals we turned up involved someone saying one thing while doing another. The earliest example was womens’ rights champion Robert Packwood, who in 1992 was infamously slapped with several sexual-harassment and abuse charges from former female staffers.

While the Republicans tend to hire more prostitutes and try to cover-up the incidents with hush money or behind the scenes wrangling... The Democrats are just as likely to have sexual relations with a minor.

The interesting thing to me is the party of "family values" tends to be the most hypocritical... I guess that's not really a surprise after all.

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