It wasn't until 1985, the year Rock Hudson died, that Ronald Reagan first mentioned AIDS in public... and this was in response to a reporter's question. By that time, more than 5600 Americans had died.
In 1988 Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who looked like a character out of the Old Testament, advocated sex education and mailed over 100 million pamphlets infuriating religious conservatives and gay activist. His strident approach was off putting but at least he was willing to have a frank discussion about AIDS. Unfortunately this frank discussion didn't happen until over 20,000 people were infected nationwide. The Reagans and Bushes were silent and in 1987 Silence=Death became the mantra of Act Up.
By 1996 The AIDS Quilt covered the entire National Mall
Today 33 million people are infected worldwide and more than 25 million people have died. If Reagan had acted in those early days would it have made a difference? Yes!
I don't understand why anyone thinks Reagan was a good politician. So irresponsible...