Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Most Dangerous Man in America

Excerpted from NPR and The Guardian...
Glenn Beck calls her one of the most dangerous people in the world.

Piven is a professor at the City College of New York. In 1966, she and her late husband, Richard Cloward, wrote an article for The Nation outlining a plan to help the poor of New York and other big cities to get on welfare.

In their research, they found that not all the poor who were eligible to receive welfare actually did. They advocated that all the nation's eligible poor should apply. They felt such a strain to city budgets would force Washington to address the poverty problem.

Forty-five years later, Beck took to the airwaves of Fox News and his own radio program, warning the public about the obscure article.

"Let me introduce you to the people who you would say are fundamentally responsible for the unsustainability and possible collapse of our economic system. They're really two people," he said, "Cloward and Piven."

For about the last three months, week after week, Beck's been hammering away at Piven and her husband. From their 45-year-old article, he sees a vast conspiracy to overthrow the American financial system.

Theirs, he says, is a plan to "overwhelm the system and bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with impossible demands and bring on economic collapse."

Beck says their approach is the main strategy employed by the far left ever since, applying it to everything from the Wall Street collapse to the health care law to climate change.

Soon after Beck made her infamous, Piven says hundreds of death threats poured into her e-mail account and conservative blogs. Things like, "'May cancer overtake you soon!'" Piven says. She ended up asking the FBI and state police for help.

While Piven acknowledges that Beck has never advocated violence against her, she still feels Beck's screeds led directly to the threats against her life. Some of Beck's followers have emailed Piven directly. One of the anonymous emailers simply wrote "DIE YOU CUNT" in the subject line. Another wished that she would get cancer. I don't blame them for being upset. It is upsetting. But I blame Glenn Beck for telling them a factually untrue, crazy story about why those changes occurred."

When no one else controls the narrative the lunatic fringe takes over.
When the process of governing is incomprehensible, manipulation and propaganda thrives. The strange stories that Glenn Beck creates with his chalkboard gain traction with Americans, who are made anxious by the large changes that have overtaken the United States, including the election of a black president and the increasing racial diversity of the population, deindustrialisation and the decline of American power abroad, as well as cultural changes in sexual and family norms.

By telling simple fairy tales that trace these big and complex changes to the machinations of particular people, Beck makes the changes comprehensible in a way, and also makes the people who are presumably responsible the targets of his listeners' frustration and outrage. Partly because it is utterly irrational, and partly because it is an effort to bully and intimidate his political opponents, this is dangerous for democratic politics.

Who else has he bullied?

Beck burned Nancy Pelosi in effigy on his set. He tried to poison her with a chalice... Well, he claimed he wanted to poison her on Fox. Some weeks later, somebody tried to firebomb Nancy Pelosi's house. That guy's mother went on television and said he gets all of his ideas from Fox News.

The Tides foundation in San Francisco was targeted by a gunman, Byron Williams, an unemployed carpenter packed his mother's Toyota Tundra with guns and set off for San Francisco with a plan to kill progressives. The shooter gave jailhouse interviews, and we published them, and he says Glenn Beck is this schoolteacher on television and points to specific episodes of the Glenn Beck show that inspired him do it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Serial Adulterer Critiques Obama

Newt Gingrich is out for blood. He's claiming the POTUS* has broken his oath of office because he is failing to uphold the law of the land. To review, the DOJ** recently decided not to defend DOMA*** from Constitutional challenges. To be clear, the DOJ did not say they wouldn't ENFORCE the law just that they would not DEFEND the constitutionality... But now Gingrich, who frequently campaigned on family values issues, divorced his second wife, Marianne, in 2000 after his attorneys acknowledged Gingrich’s relationship with his current wife, Callista Bisek, a former congressional aide more than 20 years younger than he is.

His first marriage, to his former high school geometry teacher, Jackie Battley, ended in divorce in 1981. Although Gingrich has said he doesn’t remember it, Battley has said Gingrich discussed divorce terms with her while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery. Gingrich married Marianne months after the divorce. Gingrich also acknowledged cheating on Ginther, the woman he married after abandoning his cancer ridden wife, while leading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton for allegations of perjury involving the Paula Jones sexual harassment civil case and the president's affair with Monica Lewinsky.

I hope Gingrich does get the GOP nomination for president... It should be interesting.

*POTUS President of the United States
** DOJ Department of Justice
*** DOMA Defense of Marriage Act

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's Not the Budget!

Since the protests in Wisconsin began Rachel Maddow has been trumpeting that it's not the budget it's politics. It's a plan to dismantle the last stronghold of Democratic support. When SCOTUS affirmed that corporations can fund campaigns willy nilly; Republican majorities are secured for the rest of the century.

Now a strange voice is echoing this sentiment... Shepard Smith, from Fox News:

On Wednesday's "Studio B," Shepard Smith said the battle over union rights in Wisconsin was all about busting unions and securing Republican political power, not about the state's budget deficit.

It was a take that placed Smith squarely in agreement with people such as Rachel Maddow, who has repeatedly argued essentially the same thing on her show.

Speaking to a mostly-in-agreement Juan Williams, Smith said the fight was "100 percent politics."

"There is no budget crisis in Wisconsin," he said, adding that the unions "[have] given concessions."

The real point of the fight, Smith said, could be found in the list of the top ten donors to political campaigns. Seven out of the ten donated to Republicans; the other three were unions donating to Democrats.

"Bust the unions, and it's over," Smith said. He then brought up the Koch brothers, the billionaires who have bankrolled much of the anti-union pushback in Wisconsin. The fight, Smith said, "started" with the Kochs, who he said were trying to get a return on the money they donated to Walker's campaign.

"I'm not taking a side on this, I'm just telling you what's going pretend this is about a fiscal crisis in the state of Wisconsin is malarkey," Smith said.

One truth speaker at Fox? I see the four Horsemen on the horizon

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

This is really cool and this guy is so excited...

Sex Scandals and Hypocrisy

This comes from The Daily Beast and it's an analysis on which party has the most sex scandals. Since 1990 the Republicans slightly edge out the Democrats 34 to 27. What's interesting is the type of sex scandal. Democrats tend to have more problems with harassment, staffers and underage girls; Republicans tend to have more problems with prostitutes, hypocrisy and underage boys.

On the hypocrisy front Republicans edge out Democrats 17–9. Almost half the sex scandals we turned up involved someone saying one thing while doing another. The earliest example was womens’ rights champion Robert Packwood, who in 1992 was infamously slapped with several sexual-harassment and abuse charges from former female staffers.

While the Republicans tend to hire more prostitutes and try to cover-up the incidents with hush money or behind the scenes wrangling... The Democrats are just as likely to have sexual relations with a minor.

The interesting thing to me is the party of "family values" tends to be the most hypocritical... I guess that's not really a surprise after all.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Who's the Real Debtor?

With all the talk about the national debt and the new Republican controlled house; budgets are getting a lot of attention. Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker claiming Obama was ruining the US and taking our country to the poor house. During my life, there have been four Democratic and five Republican presidents and the national debt has risen from 312 billion to 13.5 trillion, a 330% increase; most of it under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

Below are 2 charts, one from and the other from my own research. Both are based on numbers from the Treasury Department. I like the simplicity of my chart. I tried to make it look as non-partisan as possible and let the numbers speak for themselves... One thing is clear, labeling Democrats as the tax and spend party is a myth.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Thing That Pisses Me Off Most About the Right...

The thing that pisses me off most about the right... Where to start? I guess it come down to the christianista "morality" that they want to impose on everyone. In the abortion wars for example; who is really "for" abortion. Yes there are women who have used abortion as a form of birth control and that is abhorrent. It's still amazing that some insurance companies pay for viagra and not birth control pills... But here's the rub. The liberal stance is to let people have a choice. It does not qualify that with religious beliefs or other mythological questions but leaves the responsibility with the individual. The conservative view is that we have to mandate what is and is not permissible, as interpreted through christian dogma. It does not matter if the individual is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Atheist... all must submit to the will of Christian doctrine because the US is a "Christian Nation."

The main thrust of the argument against, gay marriage, repealing don't ask don't tell, abortion, planned parenthood, HIV and STD counseling, and hate crimes legislation is they are inconsistent with "Christian Values." For all of the complaining and pot stirring Glen Beck and Michelle Bachmann have made about Michelle Obama promoting a "nanny state" by suggesting healthier eating options for children; I find it ironic that they don't see the same "nanny state' mentality when it comes to the culture wars. It's okay for the right to take away civil rights of minorities but if the left wants to fund planned parenthood, that is anathema.

Collectively we cringe when we hear of the penalties of Sharia law. We think a legal systems that involves stoning and amputation seems barbaric and yet any law based on religious principles is barbaric. Fred Phelps is barbaric when he pickets the funerals of fallen soldiers. The recent debate about "forced rape" as a criteria for legal abortion sounds barbaric. The solution is a truly secular legal system and it is the only way a true Democracy can survive.

Thankfully the Obama Administration rewrote the "conscience clause" allowing health care providers to decline care to patients if it would violate their religious beliefs.

The Bush rules allowed not just health workers but hospitals and even entire insurance companies to decline to provide abortions or any other service that violate a "religious belief or moral conviction."

Tony Perkins, president of the anti-abortion Family Research Council, called the changes "a blow both to medicine and the right to practice one's deeply held convictions."

Friday, February 18, 2011

There's No Hope for the Budget

Sen, Michael Bennett recently sent out an email asking constituents to send him their budget ideas. This is what I sent:

Cut the military budget to the bone. Pull out of Iraq completely and out of Afghanistan ASAP. Close most of our bases worldwide and slash any weapons programs. We always hear that loss of military spending will result in a loss of jobs... To quote the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, "so be it..."
How is military spending, for the purpose of jobs creation, really any different than other types of stimulus? It's not! It's all welfare.

This pie chart from 2009 shows more clearly the real problem. Not only are we paying for current military spending but also for past wars, the wars the Bush Administration left off the books and out of their budget.

Health is a huge component as well and Obama's health care plan does not address it. To really address the rising cost of health care we have to address how doctors are paid and no one really wants to do that. There are precedents in changing doctor pay. Look at the pay structure of the Mayo clinic. The Mayo clinic is a not for profit organization that pay doctors a fixed salary.

We do need to make hard decisions but no one is willing to make them. Redistricting will be happening all over the country this year and republicans in charge of most of the state houses. I'm sure we are probably in for republican majorities for a long time to come and you can say goodbye to the middle class, an end to any environmental regulation, arsenic and fracking chemicals in the drinking water, an end to public transportation, huge bonuses for CEO's and Wall Street thugs...

Monday, February 14, 2011

What the?

I'm not a big follower of pop culture, especially in pop music. I didn't like Madonna back in the 80's. I never understood the Brittany thing and I am befuddled by Lady Gaga. I was at a party last night and some of the conversation drifted toward Lady Gaga and her Grammy appearance. This morning I looked up her "Born This Way" single, from the Grammys, on Youtube (it will probably be taken down soon).

Now again, I'm not a pop culture maven but I was struck at how similar Gaga's "Born This Way" is to Madonna's "Express Yourself" (Performed, poorly, at the MTV Music Awards circa 1989).
Maybe it's just me but I think Gaga blatantly ripped off Madonna.

A lot has changed since '89. No amount of auto-tuning could have helped Madonna's voice. MTV still played music back then and Lady Gaga was 3 years old when Madonna was queen of pop. Who could blame Gaga for being influenced by Madonna. I'm sure she was singing into a mirror, with a hair brush, to all of Madonna's songs when she was a wee tot.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Affable Dunce

Last night I watch Eugene Jarecki's documentary Reagan. The director interviews everyone from Reagan's cabinet members and sons to new reporters and biographers. It's a compelling piece of film making and gives probably the most unflinching view of the 40th president yet. From his beginnings as a nearsighted lifeguard who saved 77 lives and a staunch FDR supporter to his rise as the president of the Screen Actors Guild and spokesman for GE; Jarecki shows the evolution of the man but does not shy away from the hard questions surrounding the Iran Contra scandal.

Jarecki paints a clear picture that Reagan must have known about the arms deals but he seems to lay more blame at the feet of Vice President Bush... At once point the real mystery of Reagan (to my mind) was revealed. While many on the left saw him as an affable dunce, his resolve and calculation was entirely, to quote a phrase from another affable dunce, "misunderestimated." It seems the true genius of Reagan was to disarm his opponents with his likability. Even as he was flouting the Constitution and congress, he addresses the American people with a grandfatherly tone of learning from his mistakes. So even as Reagan destroyed the middle class, labor unions, and increased poverty most people liked him...

Bush Sr. never mastered this technique and always appeared petty and paranoid. Clinton was folksy and likable but George W. truly took the folksy lesson to heart. Despite the fact that he was from east coast money and studied at Yale, he was seen as the guy many Americans wanted to share a beer with; Never mind that he did more to gut our civil liberties than any other president.

Unfortunately, Obama is taking the same cues from Reagan. His tone has taken on a decidedly more folksy air since taking office but I don't think folksy enough to disarm his opponents.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Last Reagan Rant (maybe)

In a recent article in the Washington Examiner, Bryon York said "Americans live in a nation and world transformed by his [Reagan's] deep belief in liberty, free enterprise, and American exceptionalism..." Let me first say that I love America. I grew up in the Midwest, said the Pledge of Allegiance everyday in school, I know the words to the National Anthem, and I've even shed a tear hearing Lee Greenwood sing 'Proud to be an American.' That being said, I have come to feel that American exceptionalism is just a new fancy name for the same old racist, imperialist bull shit known as Manifest Destiny. I know the 1840's Democrats used to term to justify the expansion America from sea to shining sea... But how can we say we are the manifestation of THE shining city on the hill when we have the blood of 600,000 Iraqis on our hands (maybe more, some estimates are over 1,000,000).

For all of our faults, I still think America is a great nation but the Reagan revisionists and the Sarah Palin nut jobs, who tick of the three core conservative values as: American Exceptionalism, Strong 2nd Amendment rights, and a strong defense (no matter what the cost) are bankrupting this country both financially and morally!

We need to stay on message, help Obama get back to the vision he promoted during his campaign, and put the Reagan revisionists back in their place.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Reagan Legacy

It wasn't until 1985, the year Rock Hudson died, that Ronald Reagan first mentioned AIDS in public... and this was in response to a reporter's question. By that time, more than 5600 Americans had died.

In 1988 Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who looked like a character out of the Old Testament, advocated sex education and mailed over 100 million pamphlets infuriating religious conservatives and gay activist. His strident approach was off putting but at least he was willing to have a frank discussion about AIDS. Unfortunately this frank discussion didn't happen until over 20,000 people were infected nationwide. The Reagans and Bushes were silent and in 1987 Silence=Death became the mantra of Act Up.

By 1996 The AIDS Quilt covered the entire National Mall

Today 33 million people are infected worldwide and more than 25 million people have died. If Reagan had acted in those early days would it have made a difference? Yes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Here's a Reagan Legacy for Ya

From a press conference via Daily Kos
See entire post here

Sunday, February 6, 2011

5 Reagan Myths

I haven't posted in a long time because doing the research was causing a flare up in my acid reflux... BUT this is too good to pass up.

From the Washington Post
I'm copying most of the article but adding my own editorial take.

1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. Read that! Third behind Bill Clinton

In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since... lobbying efforts by conservatives... has his popularity steadily climbed.

2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.

Certainly, Reagan's boldest move as president was his 1981 tax cut, a sweeping measure that slashed the marginal rate on the wealthiest Americans from 70 percent to 50 percent. The legislation also included smaller cuts in lower tax brackets, as well as big breaks for corporations and the oil industry. But the following year, as the economy was mired in recession and the federal deficit was spiraling out of control, even groups such as the Business Roundtable lobbied Reagan to raise taxes. And he did: The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 was, at the time, the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history.

Ultimately, Reagan signed measures that increased federal taxes every year of his two-term presidency except the first and the last.

3. Reagan was a hawk.

Long before he was elected president, Reagan predicted that the Soviet Union would collapse because of communism's inherent corruption and inefficiency. His forecast proved accurate, but it is not clear that his military buildup moved the process forward. Though Reagan expanded the U.S. military and launched new weapons programs, his real contributions to the end of the Cold War were his willingness to negotiate arms reductions with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his encouragement of Gorbachev as a domestic reformer. Indeed, a USA Today poll taken four days after the fall of the Berlin Wall found that 43 percent of Americans credited Gorbachev, while only 14 percent cited Reagan.

4. Reagan shrank the federal government.

Reagan famously declared at his 1981 inauguration that "in the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." This rhetorical flourish didn't stop the 40th president from increasing the federal government's size by every possible measure during his eight years in office.

Federal spending grew by an average of 2.5 percent a year, adjusted for inflation, while Reagan was president. The national debt exploded, increasing from about $700 billion to nearly $3 trillion. Many experts believe that Reagan's massive deficits not only worsened the recession of the early 1990s but doomed his successor, George H.W. Bush, to a one-term presidency by forcing him to abandon his "no new taxes" pledge.

The number of federal employees grew from 2.8 million to 3 million under Reagan, in large part because of his buildup at the Pentagon. (It took the Democratic administration of President Bill Clinton to trim the employee rolls back to 2.7 million.) Reagan also abandoned a campaign pledge to get rid of two Cabinet agencies - Energy and Education - and added a new one, Veterans Affairs.

5. Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

Reagan's contributions to the culture wars of the 1980s were largely rhetorical and symbolic. Although he published a book in 1983 about his staunch opposition to abortion (overlooking the fact that he had legalized abortion in California as governor in the late 1960s), he never sought a constitutional ban on abortion. In fact, Reagan began the odd practice of speaking to anti-abortion rallies by phone instead of in person - a custom continued by subsequent Republican presidents. He also advocated prayer in public schools in speeches, but never in legislation.

In 1981, Reagan unintentionally did more than any other president to prevent the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling from being overturned when he appointed Sandra Day O'Connor to the Supreme Court. O'Connor mostly upheld abortion rights during her 25 years as a justice...

From the time I was 16 to 24 I lived under the Reagan regime and I can't say I thought much of him then or now. I am truly baffled as to why he has become the hero of the right. Especially when you closely look at his record. But, when looking at the mythology taught in schools about the Founding Fathers; the Reagan Myth seems to be more firming grounded in idealism than realism.