Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why Does Texas Get to Pick Textbooks?

This weekend's New York Times Magazine featured this article by RUSSELL SHORTO: How Christian Were the Founders? The basic premise of the article was that the state of Texas influences the textbook revisions of all the major textbook publishers and therefore impacts the textbooks that schools use around the country. In his interview with Don McLeroy he said:
McLeroy was frank in talking about how he applies direct pressure to textbook companies... [he] wanted books to include classic myths and fables rather than newly written stories whose messages they didn’t agree with... McLeroy shared an email with the author showing the fruits of his efforts: “Hi Don. Thanks for the impact that you have had on the development of Pearson’s Scott Foresman Reading Street series. Attached is a list of some of the Fairy Tales and Fables that we included in the series.”

To me there are 3 issues with this topic:
1. That Texas gets to choose what is taught in public schools around the country
2. That crazy people get to influence the curriculum even though they know nothing about the subject matter.
3. That we are still arguing about the beliefs of the Founding Fathers.

The agenda of the christianistas is to gut evolution, promote creationism, and establish a christian nation. I have no doubt that many of the Founding Fathers were christian but did they want a christian nation? Tomorrow I will discuss the latest on the beliefs of the Founding Fathers.

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