Thursday, February 18, 2010

This Internet Machine Brings Out the Crazies

Every morning I love to read the Yahoo Buzz on Kosmix. It's full of insightful and concise rhetoric about the important stories in the news. Here's a little tidbit for you:
Obama says stimulus bill saved troubled economy from the AP. The first comment is a thoughtful examination of the story
More BS from the greatest liar of all time, the rest of the money will be spent trying to get his pals reelected.
They must go now, vote them out

But, here's what I loved. You have to keep in mind that most of the comments are from deranged neocons and this lone dissenter was taken to task. A user named Dubya says:
Thank you Obama for doing a good job to Rebuild America after Bush Destroyed America

Bush Ruined and Bankrupted America for his greed for Oil

and then 21 people read him or her the riot act (well some agree). Here is one of the best responses:
Well, One day you will grow Up and understand that Not only did Bush not Cause the Recession or Depression if thats what they wish to call it but in fact CONGRESS,, Yes CONGRESS is the Ones that Caused the Recession,,, IE: They are the ones that Passed the LOAN for Homes that people whom were on Lower Income Scales and that is the Program that was put Into Place By CONGRESS and Signed By President Clinton , it is also a BILL that President Clinton Wanted. I commend what He was Attempting to do for those that do pay their Bills on time and deserved to be able to afford a Home but the Same Democratic CONGRESS that paased that also let those same PEOPLE lose their Homes. Read the facts,, as for the War and its Cost,, it has been Paid for by the Taxes of Diesel Fuel. So when you are more better Informed and can Make Rational decissions then you might be a Helpful member of Society, till then you just wasted your Breath as I just have on YOU!

Even if there were good points to be made you wouldn't be able to find them in the mess of poor spelling and bad grammar.

Obviously the real issue here is why did Google name their social networking branch Buzz? Yahoo Buzz has been around for about two years and is only tepidly popular. Google wants it's Buzz to be a Facebook killer but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.

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