Friday, February 26, 2010

Political Theater

With the political pundits in every media outlet looking for winners and losers and with the Republicans calling the whole event political theater, was anything really accomplished?
I'm guessing not but I could barely contain myself when I heard Eric Cantor R-VA speak up and say "the American people have spoken... and they don't want this bill..." I wanted Obama to bitch slap him and say of course not motherfucker, you lied about every part of it. From Death Panels to the carefully crafted talking points calling it a Government Takeover the Repubs pulled out the full arsenal. The Republican's master wordsmith, Frank Luntz, so skillfully framed the talking points that even the media began to use them. Let's review Republican tactics:
•Jim DeMint R-SC says: "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."
•Betsy McCaughey, former Lieutenant Governor of NY coins the term "Death Panels"
•Sarah Palin popularizes the term "Death Panels"
•All Republicans follow lock step with Luntz' term "Government Takeover"
•American learn they can substitute SOCIALIST for N****R
•Tea Party is started by Texas Republican Dick Armey
•Obama's face with Hitler mustache, apparently Tea Baggers don't know the difference between Socialism and Fascism...
•Republican Plan non-existent until recently...

I am surprised Obama kept his cool. Will anything change probably not. Was it political theater, of course. People on the right will follow what their talking heads said and people on the left will do the same. Most folks will vote against their own best interest and nothing will change...


  1. I agree, most folks will vote against their own best interest. It drives me crazy. Most politicians don't understand the plight of the average American because they never "walked a mile in our shoes". On the other hand, too many people follow what their party says just because they are affiliated with that party, right or wrong.

  2. I am always curiously amused by the comment The American People, no one ever calls how do they know what I want?!?!?!?

  3. I was called once and what was promised as a 10-minute poll turned into 20 and I had to hang up. She said that if I did not finish it would invalidate everything I just told her and she wouldn't get credit for the call. I just hung up... I think most people are duped into saying things and you're right who are these mythical American People?
