As much as I want to continue to rail against the dark presence of Goldman Sachs and their evil emperor Lloyd Blankfein, my attention has be drawn to another phantom menace: Bullies and Stupidity.
I was watching the Daily Show last night when the portly Newt Gingrich rolled out on stage. He was wearing smug suspenders of confidence to hold up his 60" pants. As he an Jon Stewart tussled over various issues they came to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the trial that was to take place in New York. Stewart correctly stated that Richard Reid the shoe bomber was tried in US court under the Bush administration and Gingrich falsely stated that Reid was a US citizen. Where were the right-wingers when 289 terrorist were tried in US courts under Bush?
The discussion went on to talk about Miranda rights and why Obama doesn't "get" how to try terrorist. Never mind the disaster Bush created. Never mind the black eye and loss or moral standing the Bush brought about. Never mind the recruitment tool Gitmo is. Gingrich spoke and his followers listened. Republicans have taken to the position that military tribunals are the best way to go and treating the terrorist thugs as criminals is wrong. The sad thing is that too many people below 35˚ north agree with Gingrich. The very people who are chanting for Obama to read the constitution are the same people who would throw it away and forsake our court system, arguably the best in the world.
I just thought I'd let you know I read your posts, and while I don't comment because frankly what I have to say is not that interesting- I do need to note that the label 'douchebaggery' had me spit coffee out my nose this morning. Thanks for my morning stir.