... and the people have spoken

And here's an example (unedited by me) of what the Tea Partiers are looking for:
We simply want someone who is average. It doesn't need to be a Rhodes Scholar. It doesn't need to be a college professor. It doesn't need to be a lawyer who passed the bar. It doesn't need to be a Peanut farmer, or an expert on global warming. Just an average guy with some CEO experience. Or even a hot chick with the same qualifications would be fine. Or even an average chick with the same qualifications. "Average" means "one of us". That brings a lot of baggage with it, such as imperfect, and blemishes, and mistakes, and even some inexperience. But it also brings the ability to lead, and to be accountable for choices made. It would also be nice to have someone as a leader who does not invalidate us and dismiss us, calling us names such as "teabaggers" and "birthers" and "right-wing nuts" and "Limbaugh lovers" and "gun nuts" but instead, call us "taxpayers" and "citizens" and "voters" and "constituents" and "Americans".
I would love to see the Tea Party rise to power. I think it would be the best thing to happen to the republican party
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