Friday, February 12, 2010


There are two blogs floating out there US4Palin and A Time for Choosing that both have the exact same narrative...(which is no surprise because the editor ATFC is an author on USFP) here are some highlights:
Another day another scandal from the most corrupt president in American history...
In short this is the most secretive and corrupt government we have ever had...
This latest scandal regarding transparency involves one of Sarah Palin’s areas of strong expertise, energy. As everyone knows, America has more than enough natural resources to become energy independent, but the zealots and flat earthers are doing all they can to prevent this from happening...

This revolves around a "leaked" memo citing approval for offshore drilling and the manipulation of the data. If "drillgate" is such a big deal not even Fox News knows about it yet. In my search it seems that the meager about of oil and natural gas would not be worth the trouble.
The Minerals Management Service estimates the area contains 130 million barrels of oil, which it estimates would be consumed in roughly six days, and 1,140 billion cubic feet of gas, which would be used up in 18 days.

What I find interesting is the language leveled at the Obama administration... Most corrupt in US history? Really? Wow, I guess Bush wasn't that bad.

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