Friday, March 19, 2010


When I was a kid I remember my Kindergarten teacher talking about the importance of the Census. I also remember classroom discussions about it in high school. The thing that strikes me as funny is that in the 44 years of my life we are still answering the same dumb questions about the census and idiots like Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) are still promoting the stupidity. Last June Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told the Washington Times that she and her family will not be fully filling out the 2010 census forms. Bachmann believes the upcoming census to be "very intricate" and "very personal" and expresses concerns about ACORN's involvement in the data collection. Bachmann claimed that since President Obama has come into office, he is making available $8.5 billion – with a 'b' - to ACORN, an organization that is repeatedly under indictment for voter fraud in multiple states across the country. But the fact is, ACORN isn't eligible for this funding...
Another right-wing nut job. The Constitution is clear, we conduct a census every 10 years. What were the questions asked in the first census of 1790?

Name of the head of each household.
How many free white males age 16 and older.
How many free white males under age 16.
How many free white females.
How many of all other free persons.
How many slaves.

Questions in this year's census?
There are 10 questions on the short form and they are basic questions concerning how many people live at this address, what type of dwelling and some personal information... the same kind of information you would provide to get a Blockbuster card... so do your patriotic duty and fill it out!

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