The devastating quake in Japan is weighing heavily on my heart this week but it's not weighing on Limbaugh's heart, if he still has one. Limbaugh has spent his time mocking the Japanese survivors for maintaining a recycling program... "They've given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are recycling their garbage." Here, he began to laugh, continuing, "and yet, Gaia levels them! Just wipes them out!"
So while I cannot even comprehend the kind of hate festering the Limbaugh's heart I can look at the budget and the Republicans and quietly say WTF. While Japanese survivors are able to maintain a recycling program in the face of devastation (because they can see beyond the immediate crisis), GOP’s top priority is somewhere between “get Styrofoam cups back into Congress” — an actual push the Republicans took up to thumb their nose at Nancy Pelosi’s environmental policies — and make “Sesame Street” beg for money.
Recently Ezra Klein of the Washington Post wrote:
The discretionary spending programs being dickered over currently in Washington account for only 12 percent of the federal budget, "and that's not where the problem is." The grave and gathering threat to our fiscal future comes from the so-called "entitlement programs" of Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which now consume 47 percent of the budget and will consume 64 percent by 2020... Trying to wipe out the deficit and shrink the national debt by cutting the discretionary budget is a bit "like trying to clean your house by doing more and more to organize the hall closet." The closet might be neater but the real mess still awaits you.
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