Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Rough Rider

I thought that since the conservatives are demonizing Teddy Roosevelt I would look into his history and see what it could be that chaps their hide. Here is a brief time line:
1876-1880 Attends Harvard (has an education that's troubling...)
1880 Becomes a Republican (makes amends for attending Harvard)
1882 Joins National Guard (very patriotic nothing funny here)
1882 Publishes his first book The Navel War of 1812
1883 Establishes 2 cattle ranches in the Dakota Region (I've got nothing)
1884 Wife and Mother die on the same day
1884-1898 Publishes 10 more books
1898 Spanish American War Cavalry Regimen Rough Riders
1898 Elected Governor of New York
1901 Vice President, McKinley assassinated and TR becomes 26th President
1902 Orders antitrust suit under Sherman Act to dissolve Northern Securities Company in the first of 45 antitrust suits. (Conservatives are steaming)
1902 Crater Lake National Park established (Conservatives loathe this... Yellowstone was the first National park founded in 1872)
1903 Treaty signed with Panama for building of Panama Canal, which was completed in 1914. (This is a big deal with conservatives)
1906 Awarded Nobel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese War in 1905 (again conservatives hate this)

So, Promoting conservation, Panama Treaty, Peace Prize, and trust-buster; all progressive reasons conservatives hate TR.
Woodrow Wilson coming soon.

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