1. Obama has wasted an entire year pushing an unconstitutional government take over of health care, and globe trotting… chasing Olympic glory, Nobel Peace Prizes, all the while bowing to the world’s leaders and apologizing for America’s very existence, he is neglecting his job..[sic] note that they use only two periods for an ellipsis a big typographic no no...
2. the most corrupt President in our nation’s history was trying to enrich his cronies, he was totally and completely ignoring his real job.
3. The biggest neglect though has been energy. Obama and his band of communists have no coherent energy policy whatsoever. Oh, they talk about mythical green jobs, but that’s all they are a myth. Pie in the sky.
Some people actually believe this crap. The one I find particularly amusing is the claim that Obama is the most corrupt President in our nation's history. It reminds me of kids on a play grounds calling each other names and the only comeback they can think of is "I know you are but what am I." I think between the private contractors, Blackwater, Cheney, tapped phone lines, closed door energy meetings and 600,000 Iraqi dead that there have been other, more corrupt, administrations.
What amazes me is that there are legitmate complaints one can make about Obama, some of which you made here. The oposition is ignoring the legitmate arguments and going for insane troll logic. Death panels, the birthers, the tea baggers, whatever the complaint de jour (probably designed by Rush Limbaugh), are all bereft of any thought process. It doesn't seem to matter when you whip them up in a shark frenzy, all they can smell is the blood.