Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Much is 69 Trillion dollars

69 Trillion dollars was the world GDP in 2008. Actually that figure is the Purchasing Parity Power, PPP. PPP is confusing but it is based on the premise that if you buy a widget in the US for $10 and that same widget in the EU is 8€. So $1 equals .80€ or 1€ equals $1.25. This exchange rate would be used as the relative value for other items and would somewhat equalize the fluctuations in the volatile currency market.

Now bear with me, Our national debt currently is $12 trillion and our GDP is just over $14 trillion. That means our debt is 86% of our economic output. Looked at another way our GDP is about 20% of the total economic output of the world and so is our debt. The EU, in total, just edges out the US in GDP. That being said, the US GDP is almost twice that of the next largest economy, China. So the US and EU account for about 41% of total economic output and that's why when our banks fucked up it rocked the world.

So how much is a trillion? A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 32 years.
A trillion seconds is 31,709 years or when Woolly Mammoths were still trekking across North America.

Just some interesting fun facts to ponder. For more interesting facts check out. CIA.GOV

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